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Results 1 - 10 of 16 for United States, Research, [2020-01-01T00:00:00Z TO 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z]

Search results

Survey: The State of State Courts: NCSC Public Opinion Surveys (NCSC 2014-2020)

Survey: The State of State Courts: NCSC Public Opinion Surveys (NCSC 2014-2020)

Since 2014, the National Center for State Courts has commissioned the State of the State Courts in a (Post) Pandemic World survey to assess public trust and confidence in the courts. The 2020 survey focused on the willingness of registered voters to appea ...

Report: The Justice Gap: Measuring the Unmet Civil Legal Needs of Low- Income Americans (LSC 2017)

Report: The Justice Gap: Measuring the Unmet Civil Legal Needs of Low- Income Americans (LSC 2017)

The report begins with the following introduction – The phrase “with liberty and justice for all” in the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance represents the idea that everyone should have access to justice, not just those who can afford legal representation. In crim ...

Survey: SRLN Tiers of Service Survey Tool (SRLN 2015)

Survey: SRLN Tiers of Service Survey Tool (SRLN 2015)

The SRLN Tiers Survey was developed for states to conduct a quick tiered inventory of their court based self-help services. Tier 1 services are asynchronous (one-way), Tier 2 services are synchronous (two-way), and Tier 3 services integrate multiple provi ...

Report: Testing Triage: Navigating (Rae 2019)

Report: Testing Triage: Navigating (Rae 2019)

In 2019, the Florida Justice Technology Center, conducted user tests of the new staging website. The user testing participants were provided with a hypothetical legal problem and asked to navigate the site to get the help they wa ...

Report: Reaching Floridians with Legal Information: Feedback from Focus Groups and User Testing (Rae & Quinn 2018)

Report: Reaching Floridians with Legal Information: Feedback from Focus Groups and User Testing (Rae & Quinn 2018)

In May 2018, the Florida Justice Technology Center’s gathered feedback and input from community members, social services organizations and legal services providers. Through a series of focus group discussions as well as individual user ...

Report: Comparing Online Legal Content Formats: The Results of User Research (Rae & Quinn 2018)

Report: Comparing Online Legal Content Formats: The Results of User Research (Rae & Quinn 2018)

In May 2018, the Florida Justice Technology Center’s website conducted short user tests of the same legal content in four different formats with 26 Floridians, the majority of whom (over 80%) reported earning less than 250% of the feder ...

Report: Listen > Learn > Lead: A Guide to Improving Court Services through User-Centered Design (IAALS 2019)

Report: Listen > Learn > Lead: A Guide to Improving Court Services through User-Centered Design (IAALS 2019)

This report was published as part of IAALS's Court Compass project and provides a guide to leveraging design sprints to engage court users. The following is an excerpt from the report: "IAALS, the Institute for the Advancement of the American Le ...

Report: Voices in the Civil Justice System: Learning from Self-Represented Litigants and Their Trusted Intermediaries (Alteneder & Gonzalez 2020)

Report: Voices in the Civil Justice System: Learning from Self-Represented Litigants and Their Trusted Intermediaries (Alteneder & Gonzalez 2020)

Executive Summary It is estimated that more than 30 million people are self-represented litigants (SRLs) in America's civil courts annually. Depending on case type or location, the Florida courts regularly manage civil dockets that are comprised almo ...

Resource: Law + Design Workbook (Hagen 2017)

Resource: Law + Design Workbook (Hagen 2017)

The Legal Design Lab's Law + Design Workbook is a guide for running a legal design cycle. Published by Margaret Hagen, the workbook is distributed under the Creative Commons License that requires attribution, that you don’t commercialize this, and th ...

Report: Cases Without Counsel: Experiences of Self-Representation in U.S. Family Court (IAALS 2016)

Report: Cases Without Counsel: Experiences of Self-Representation in U.S. Family Court (IAALS 2016)

The following excerpt introduces the report: Cases Without Counsel: Experiences of Self-Representation in U.S. Family Court (“Cases Without Counsel” or “CWC”) is a qualitative empirical research study exploring the issue of self-representation in the Unit ...