How We Can Help
SRLN helps courts, legal aid organizations and bar associations think about how best to develop a local ecosystem to support 100% access to justice for self-represented litigants (SRLs). We have developed a multifaceted approach that includes knowledge sharing among our nation's leading innovators through our working groups and informal mentorships, as well as individual consultancy. Examples of how our consultants have helped include:
- Speaking at conferences, trainings or meetings on such topics as SRL best practices, triage and simplification, integration of technology to improve service delivery and outcomes, consumer centric system design to create an integrated environment with useful feedback loops, and the distinction between legal information and legal advice;
- Assisting in the development of programs and materials for state and local judicial conferences;
- Facilitating strategic planning sessions;
- Evaluating existing services, including formal reports, as well as snapshot assessments.
We are always eager to hear from people new to the field, as well as those with well deveoped projects piloting a new approach. For more information, please contact us at [email protected].