The Justice Reach Extension

What is the Justice Reach Extension?

Supporting the Access to Justice Community help people get the legal help they need, when they need it and in a format they can use.

The Justice Reach Extension (JRE) is a browser tool that lets civil justice providers browse and share resources they develop. The goal of this tool is to help connect innovators to build on each others' experience. The JRE collects records users share into a database that others can use to find insights and contact information. The data is only as powerful as the contributions we receive. Every resource that gets added serves as pathway for collaboration.



 Browse | Search through our database of resources using filters to help find a project you want to learn more about.

 Share | Submit a resource record to the database. Every record you send creates a more robust library for the Access to Justice ecosystem.

Manage | Once you have submitted records, you can edit or update the record to help keep the database up to date.



Other features yet to come...

  • Notifications to remind you when to update
  • Track projects to get the latest updates on active projects

Want to learn more?

SRLN will be presenting a demonstration of the JRE at the Legal Services Corporation's Innovations in Technology Conference in January 2019.

If you cannot make it to the conference, we will be posting our presentation here. Stay tuned!

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