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Paper: Case Studies in ODR for the Courts: A view from the front lines
Published by the Joint Technology Committee, "Case Studies in ODR for the Courts: A view from the front lines," describes the implementation of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) in a number of United States jurisdictions, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and British Columbia. The study includes descriptions of programs that encountered significant challenges and thereby highlights the importance of planning for stakeholder engagement and sustainability. Read together with its companion document “ODR for Courts," these bulletins provide an essential foundation for those interested in how ODR can impact access to justice.
From the abstract:
"Pioneering ODR efforts are unfolding around the world. Many courts and justice organizatons are looking for signs that ODR technologies are beyond the major pitfalls of early adoption (the "bleeding edge") and that successes can be leveraged and replicated. The use of information and communications technology (ICT) to help parties resolve their disputes is an encouraging trend with notable benefits to parties with disputes and the organizations (public or private) chartered with resolving those disputes."