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SRLN Self-Care Resources

SRLN wants to make sure you remember about self-care. Especially during times of crisis we need to care for ourselves before we are able to care for others.

This topic is so important that we have asked our self-care guests to record their presentations for us to publish. If you have videos you think we ought to add or would like to contribute a video of your own for us to publish, please contact [email protected].

SRLN Self-Care Series

General Wellness

Meditation Exercises

Eduardo Gonzalez

You will find an attached presentation that includes slides used in the meditation videos.


SRLN's GoToStage Channel


SRLN's Youtube Channel


Other Self-Care Resources

The Legal Aid Association of California (LAAC) has published a list of resources, scroll down to "Self-Care Resources".

Charlotte Thaarup-Owen, What Can Mindfulness Training Do For You? A Resource for Self-­Represented Litigants (; pdf), The Mindfulness Clinic & The National Self-­Represented Litigants Project (2016).