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Resource: Sample Unbundled Attorney Engagement Agreements (Multi-State 2020)
Below is a collection of sample forms for unbundled attorney engagement agreements and materials related to unbundling legal services. This is a sampling of state resources, additional information for each state can be found on the American Bar Association's Unbundling Resources by State webpage.
See also SRLN's Unbundling page for additional resources.
Alaska - Court and Bar Referral Systems to Unbundled
The Alaska Bar sponsors an Unbundled Section, which fosters roundtable problem solving for practitioners of unbundled. The section also maintains a referral list and sponsors CLEs every few years.
Here are templates for lawyers: (see below as attachments)
- Flat Fee Agreement – One-Time Consultation
- Addendum Fee Agreement – Trial Preparation
- Automatic Withdrawal
- Entry Limited Sample
- Master Fee Agreement – 90 Day Advice & Counsel
California - Court Referral Systems to Unbundled
The California Commission on Access to Justice has published comprehensive risk management materials to help lawyers develop ethical unbundled or limited scope practices. The materials are designed to help lawyers document their case file and ensure that they and the client are in agreement on the limitations on the scope of representation, the tasks the lawyer is going to perform and, more importantly, the tasks the lawyer is NOT going to perform. The materials are designed as templates that should be tailored to the individual lawyer's needs. Fee engagement samples can be found in the posted materials and attached to this page.
- Family Law Limited Scope Risk Managment Materials
- General Civil Limited Scope Representation Risk Management Materials
See the more information about the California Commission on Access to Justice's resource on SRLN's page, Tool: Limited Scope Risk Management Materials (California 2004).
Illinois - Bar Referral Systems to Unbundled
The Illinois State Bar Association as a dedicated Limited Scope Representation webpage, which includes court approved forms and sample agreements for limited scope engagements lawyers can use.
The Chicago Bar Foundation also published a comprehensive toolkit on unbundling that includes forms to assist attorneys who are licensed in Illinois and seeking to offer limited scope representation as one of their service offerings to potential clients who have civil matters in Illinois trial court. For more information on that toolkit see SRLN's page, Resource: Chicago Bar Foundation Limited Scope Toolkit (CBF 2018, 2021 update).
Kansas - Court Referral Systems to Unbundled
The Kansas Judicial Branch has a dedicated page for Limited Representation by an Attorney. In addition to general information for litigants considering limited scope representation, the page provides links to relevant court rules, checklists, sample forms, and information about procedures. Included in the materials is a sample Limited Scope Representation Agreement form that can be used by attorneys. The form is attached below.
Additional information about limited representation by an attorney and related forms can be found on the Kansas Judicial Branch Limited Representation webpage.
Michigan - Bar Referral Systems to Unbundled
The State Bar of Michigan's Practice Management Resource Center has a dedicated Limited Scope page that provides comprehensive guidance materials on limited scope representation in a Limited Scope Tool Kit. The tool kit provides practice guidance, court forms, and sample forms for lawyers.
For additional sampel forms see SRLN's page, Resource: Michigan Bar's Limited Scope Tool Kit (Michigan Bar 2020).
Minnesota - Bar Referral Systems to Unbundled
The Minnesota State Bar Association's Alternative Legal Fees and Unbundling webpage has a variety of resources, including a sample Fee Agreement for Limited Scope Representation (login required) available through their portal.
Limited Scope Representation Agreement_Kansas Sample.pdf
Limited Scope Engagement Letter & Consent_Michigan Sample.docx
End Representation Form_Limited Scope Rep_Michigan Sample.docx
AK- Automatic_withdrawal.doc
AK - Master_Fee_AgreementA__C.doc
AK - Addendum_Trial_Prep.doc