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Research: “This ‘order’ must be ANNIHILATED”: How Benjamin Austin’s Call to Abolish Lawyers Shaped Early Understandings of Access to Justice, 1786-1819 (Jeon 2020)

Author Kelsea Jeon prepared this senior thesis and submitted this document to the History Department of Yale University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts.


Exploring Access to Justice in early America, Kelsea provides a detailed history of access justice and provides insights about the foundational principles that guide the legal profession today and it's relationship with the access to justice movement.


Kelsea presented on the SRLN Research Working Group Call to discuss her senior thesis. View the recording here, SRLN Research Working Group: Access to Justice in Early America.



"This 'Order' Must Be Annihilated: How Benjamin Austin's Call to Abolish Lawyers Shaped Early Understandings of Access to Justice, 1786-1819 from YHRUploads