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Report: Equity by Design (Open Technology Institute 2021)

This report is a product of the Equity by Design project, conducted by New America's Open Technology Institute. The report concerns the strategies being deployed to address by discriminatory harms caused by technological products and services.

"The Equity by Design project is a product of the Open Technology Institute’s desire to explore innovative ways of addressing discriminatory harms caused by technological products and services. To develop this report, we consulted technologists and tech policy professionals at non-profits, major tech companies, policy organizations, and tech startups. The information and advice they offered were integral to shaping the project and crafting recommendations that work within the technology industry’s production process framework. These recommendations are meant to contribute to the conversation on incorporating equity into product design processes, with a particular focus on people and the critical role they can play in bringing diverse perspectives to the development of technological tools and services."
- Introduction,

Recommended citation:

Koustubh "K.J." Bagchi & Brittany Thomas, Equity by Design: Incorporating Equity into the Tech Development Process, Open Technology Institute, (last updated, Apr. 19, 2021).
