Resources: California Judicial Education Framework (CA 2022)
Judicial Council of California Center for Judicial Education & Research home page at
California: Handling Cases Involving Self-Represented Litigants: A Benchguide for Judicial Officers (January 2007, Updated 2019) available at
California Rules of Court re: judicial education
Select rules from:
Chapter 7. Minimum Education Requirements, Expectations, and Recommendations
Rule 10.451. Judicial branch education
Rule 10.452. Minimum education requirements, expectations, and recommendations
Rule 10.455. Ethics orientation for Judicial Council members and for judicial branch employees required to file a statement of economic interests
Rule 10.461. Minimum education requirements for Supreme Court and Court of Appeal justices
Rule 10.462. Minimum education requirements and expectations for trial court judges and subordinate judicial officers
Rule 10.463. Education requirements for family court judges and subordinate judicial officers
Rule 10.464. Education requirements and expectations for judges and subordinate judicial officers on domestic violence issues
Rule 10.468. Content-based and hours-based education for superior court judges and subordinate judicial officers regularly assigned to hear probate proceedings
Rule 10.469. Judicial education recommendations for justices, judges, and subordinate judicial officers
Rule 10.471. Minimum education requirements for Supreme Court and Court of Appeal clerks/executive officers
Rule 10.472. Minimum education requirements for Supreme Court and Court of Appeal managing attorneys, supervisors, and other personnel
Rule 10.473. Minimum education requirements for trial court executive officers
Rule 10.474. Trial court managers, supervisors, and other personnel
Rule 10.478. Content-based and hours-based education for court investigators, probate attorneys, and probate examiners
Rule 10.479. Education recommendations for appellate and trial court personnel
Rule 10.481. Approved providers; approved course criteria
Rule 10.491. Minimum education requirements for Judicial Council employees
Rule 10.492. Temporary extension and pro rata reduction of judicial branch education requirements
Rule 10.493. Instructor-led training