Katherine Alteneder
With a deep background in designing and implementing access to justice initiatives for legal aid, the courts and private practice, Katherine’s philosophy throughout her career has been to build common sense, consumer oriented solutions by learning, innovating and sharing. An early member of Self-Represented Litigation Network, she led SRLN from August 2013 until December 2022, and now serves as Director Emerita. Katherine is particularly interested in building inclusive delivery systems with a special interest in developing strategies that are workable for rural and vulnerable populations, and creating community based legal assistance environments that prioritize judicial engagement and leadership to re-imagine services and approaches used by the private bar, legal aid, court staff and non-legal community providers so that everyone can get the legal help they need, when they need it in a format they can use. Katherine is a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Georgetown Institute for Technology Law and Policy, and now works as an independent consultant to advance civil justice reform. In 2018, Katherine was awarded the Distinguished Service Award from the National Center for State Courts, and especially enjoys opportunities to mentor those who seeking a career path in access to justice and public interest law. Katherine, a graduate of Northwestern University and Seattle University School of Law, resides in Delaware.