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Webinar: Technology Tools to Enhance Legal Services for LEP - Websites, Videos and More (LSNTAP, LSC, ProBonoNet 2014)
In the webinar Technology Tools to Enhance Legal Services for Limited English Proficiency, four panelists (Kathy Daniels, IT Administrator Statewide Legal Services in Connecticut, Rochelle Klempner, Chief Counsel NYS Access to Justice Program, Mike Monahan, Director State Bar of Georgia/GLSP Pro Bono Project, Sandra Sandoval, Field Support Coordinator, Immigration Advocates Network, and moderated by Mirenda Watkins of ProBonoNet) discuss technology tools that are being incorporated by legal service providers and courts, why technology is important in this context, and the challenges of creating and maintaining multi-lingual tech tools. Webinar can be accessed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrVUkomSN6k or through LSNTAP website.