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Article: Practical Advice from the Trenches (Wilson & Hutchins 2015)
This article, by Judge Wilson and Judge Hitchins of Baltimore, discusses the value of neutral engagement in easy the tensions for the judge in the SRL courtroom. They write, "Fortunately, through a concept called neutral engagement, judges now have a way to accommodate the needs of self-represented litigants while maintaining neutrality throughout the process." It is published in Court Review, published by the American Judges Association, and is part of an entire issue of dedicated to issues involving SRLs.
Recommended Citation: Dorothy J. WIlson and Miriam Brown Hutchins, Practical Advice from the Trenches, 51 Ct. Rev. 54 (2015). Available at http://aja.ncsc.dni.us/publications/courtrv/cr51-2/CR51-2Wilson.pdf.