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Conference: 2010 California Conference on Self-Represented Litigants (California 2010)
Starting in 2006, the California Administrative Office of the Courts has held a statewide Conference on Self-Represented Litigants. This conference brings together self-help center attorneys and staff, court administrators, legal aid providers and law librarians to learn from one another about strategies for serving self-represented litigants.
The following are materials from the 2010 California Conference on Self-Represented Litigants which was held April 29-30, 2010 in San Francisco, with a pre-conference on April 28. The theme for the 2010 conference was “Meeting the Needs of the Public During Tough Economic Times.” Hon. Ronald M. George, Chief Justice of California, and William C. Vickerey, Administrative Director of the Courts, spoke at the opening plenary.
Conference Agenda
Faculty Biographies
A selection of conference materials is provided below. A complete set of conference materials can be located on the California Courts website at
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Legal Information and Legal Advice - The Hard Situations
Presentation by John Greacen of the principles underlying California’s policy on what court self-help and other staff can and cannot do to assist self-represented litigants and application of those principles to the most difficult issues that court staff encounter.
PowerPoint: Legal Information and Legal Advice - The Hard Situations
Handout: May I Help You? Legal Advice vs. Legal Information
Handout: Guidelines for the Operation of Self-Help Centers in California Trial Courts
The Sargent Shriver Civil Representation Pilot Program - What's the Role for Courts and Self-Help Centers?
Presentation by Bonnie Hough and Richard Zorza on pilot projects under California’s Sargent Shriver Civil Counsel Act (AB 590) to provide representation to low-income parties on critical legal issues affecting basic human needs. These pilot projects are operated by legal services nonprofit corporations working in collaboration with their local superior courts.
PowerPoint: Triage and Access to Justice
Fact Sheet for Projects Under the Sargent Shriver Civil Counsel Act (AB 590)
Self-Represented Litigation Network Triage and Assignment Research: Summary of Models Derived from Research Interview
Documenting the Benefits of Self-Help Services
Presentation on findings of John Greacen’s San Joaquin Valley Benefit/Cost Data Gathering experiment to quantify benefits of self-help services to courts.
Report: The Benefits and Costs of Court Programs to Assist Self-Represented Litigants
Effective and Efficient Use of Technology in Tough Times
Panel discussion on ways to use technology to help serve litigants. Provides examples in courts using Webex, videoconferencing, appointment programs, EZLegal File, LawHelp Interactive and ICAN!
PowerPoint: Effective and Efficient Use of Technology
Self-Help and Native American Communities: Recent Data and Emerging Practices
Reviews the results of first phase of needs assessment for self-help services on Native American reservations and among urban Indian communities in California.
PowerPoint: Legal Self-Help and Native American Communities: Recent Data and Emerging Practices
Friday, April 30
Answering Civil Complaints in a Workshop Setting
Overview of daily civil complaints workshop conducted by the Civil Self-Help Center at the Sacramento County Public Law Library.
PowerPoint: Answering Civil Complaints in a Workshop Setting
Effective and Innovative Ways to Get Litigants, Staff, and Volunteers to Use Technology to Improve Services at a Self-Help Center
Discusses ways Los Angeles Superior Court has integrated technology for use by litigants, staff and volunteers in self-help center workshops.
PowerPoint: Integrating Technology into Self Help Center Operations
Self-Help Center Guideline Workshop: Completing the Required Documentation
Provides overview of requirement and documentation for court operated self help centers in California.
Guidelines for the Operation of Self-Help Centers in California Trial Courts
Handbook for the San Francisco Superior Court ACCESS Volunteers
Intake Assessment/Triage in Unlawful Detainer Cases at the Ventura Superior Court Self-Help Legal Access Center
Moving Forward When the World Is Standing Still
Presentation and discussion of strategies for promoting court-based self help services in times of economic uncertainty.
PowerPoint: Moving Forward When the World is Standing Still
Teaching Basic Civil Discovery in a Workshop Setting
Staff attorney for civil self help center at Sacramento County Public Library reviews key elements for teaching civil discovery in a workshop setting.
PowerPoint: Teaching Basic Civil Discovery in a Workshop Setting