Results 1 - 2 of 2 for Ethics Education, California, Conferences & Summits

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Presentation: Legal Information and Legal Advice: The Hard Situations (Greacen 2010)

Presentation: Legal Information and Legal Advice: The Hard Situations (Greacen 2010)

Presentation on the distinction between legal information and legal advice given by John M. Greacen at the 2010 California Conference On Self-Represented Litigants April 29-30, 2010.   Clerk, Self-Help Center Staff, and Librarian Ethics Managing a Self-He ...

Resource: Equal Access Unit of the California Center for Families, Children & the Courts (Judicial Council of California 2015)

Resource: Equal Access Unit of the California Center for Families, Children & the Courts (Judicial Council of California 2015)

The Equal Access Unit of the Center for Families, Children & the Courts has materials available for courts, court-­based self-­help programs, and other nonprofit providers of legal self­-help services. The materials include sample instructional handou ...