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Results 1 - 5 of 5 for Best Practices, United States, Strategic Planning

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SRLN Brief: Communications Resources (SRLN 2015)

SRLN Brief: Communications Resources (SRLN 2015)

A communications strategy, which is central to any project's success, not only charts communications with internal and external customers, but also serves as an important driver for the metrics collected to measure success. Voices for Civil Justice h ...

SRLN Brief: Procedural Fairness / Procedural Justice (SRLN 2015)

SRLN Brief: Procedural Fairness / Procedural Justice (SRLN 2015)

Research has shown that when defendants and litigants perceive the court process to be fair, they are more likely to comply with court orders and follow the law in the future—regardless of whether they “win” or “lose” their case. This is called procedural ...

News: Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice Uses SRLN Maps for Statewide Strategic Planning (Illinois Supreme Court 2017)

News: Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice Uses SRLN Maps for Statewide Strategic Planning (Illinois Supreme Court 2017)

The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice has started using the SRLN demographics maps for presentations to circuit clerks, circuit court judges, civil legal aid and pro bono practitioners. “The maps helped provide context for why access ...

Report: Designing for Housing Stability: Best Practices for Court-Based and Court-Adjacent Eviction Prevention and/or Diversion Programs (Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program and American Bar Association 2021)

Report: Designing for Housing Stability: Best Practices for Court-Based and Court-Adjacent Eviction Prevention and/or Diversion Programs (Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program and American Bar Association 2021)

Designing for Housing Stability: Best Practices for Court-Based and Court-Adjacent Eviction Prevention and/or Diversion Programs (Joint Report of the Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program and American Bar Association 2021) The Task Force on ...

Resource: Guiding Principles for Post-Pandemic Court Technology (CCJ/COSCA 2020)

Resource: Guiding Principles for Post-Pandemic Court Technology (CCJ/COSCA 2020)

The Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) and Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA) published these Guiding Principles for Post-Pandemic Court Technology on July 16, 2020 with the goal to better guide state courts as they moved services to remote ...