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Results 1 - 5 of 5 for Self-Help Centers, Clerk, Self-Help Center Staff, and Librarian Ethics, Ethics Education

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Presentation: Legal Information and Legal Advice: The Hard Situations (Greacen 2010)

Presentation: Legal Information and Legal Advice: The Hard Situations (Greacen 2010)

Presentation on the distinction between legal information and legal advice given by John M. Greacen at the 2010 California Conference On Self-Represented Litigants April 29-30, 2010.   Clerk, Self-Help Center Staff, and Librarian Ethics Managing a Self-He ...

Article: Ensuring Access to Justice in Tough Economic Times (Broccolina & Zorza 2008)

Article: Ensuring Access to Justice in Tough Economic Times (Broccolina & Zorza 2008)

This article outlines seven suggestions for the courts which require relatively small or easily found upfront investment and minor ongoing expenditures. This article first appeared in the November-December 2008 (Volume 92, Number 3) of JUDICATURE, the Jou ...

Article: No Legal Advice from Court Personnel - What Does that Mean (Greacen 1995)

Article: No Legal Advice from Court Personnel- What Does that Mean (Greacen 1995)

This is the seminal article that explores the underlying rationale that resulted in the blanket prohibition of clerk's not being able to provide information to the public for fear that it would be advice. In the article, Greacen suggests the framewor ...

SRLN Brief: Integrating Unbundling into Self-Help Services (SRLN 2015)

SRLN Brief: Integrating Unbundling into Self-Help Services (SRLN 2015)

The states vary tremendously on how they may have integrated unbundling into their service delivery systems. Unbundling is a critical link to devloping a local ecosystem that supports 100% access to justice, and therefore should be a priority area for dev ...

Curriculum: SRLN Court Solutions Conference Leadership Package (SRLN 2008)

Curriculum: SRLN Court Solutions Conference Leadership Package (SRLN 2008)

The Self-Represented Litigation Leadership Package was prepared by the Self-Represented Litigation Network and launched at the Court Solutions Conference on September 8-10, 2008, in Baltimore, Maryland. The core of the Package is fifteen modules, each of ...