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Results 1 - 4 of 4 for Working Groups, Scaling in Court Systems, Integration with Institutional Process

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Best Practices: Best Practices in Court-Based Programs for the Self-Represented: Concepts, Attributes, Issues for Exploration, Examples, Contacts, and Resources (SRLN 2008)

Best Practices: Best Practices in Court-Based Programs for the Self-Represented: Concepts, Attributes, Issues for Exploration, Examples, Contacts, and Resources (SRLN 2008)

This document, now in its second version, summarizes forty-two best practices in court based self-help service innovation, with descriptions of each practice, suggested attributes, examples and contacts.   Recommended Citation, The Self-Represented Litiga ...

Article: The Clearspire Story (Legal Mosaic 2017)

Article: The Clearspire Story (Legal Mosaic 2017)

The Clearspire Story, attached below, offers a great case study to consider the conditions determine the success of a legal tech idea. Mark A. Cohen details the lessons he learned running Clearspire, a law firm and legal services company that leveraged a ...

Report: A Guide to Model Rules for Electronic Filing and Service (Lexis Nexis 2003)

Report: A Guide to Model Rules for Electronic Filing and Service (Lexis Nexis 2003)

This 2003 guide to model rules for e-filing discusses the use of the model rules, outlines the proposed model rules with commentary, and discusses filing and service procedures. Technology Integration with Institutional Process Regulatory Concerns Scaling ...

SRLN Brief: Tools for Mobile Engagement with Customers, Clients, Colleagues and Partners* (SRLN 2015)

SRLN Brief: Tools for Mobile Engagement with Customers, Clients, Colleagues and Partners* (SRLN 2015)

Speaking Mobile or VOIP through,, Google Hangouts, Facetime or other. Remember toll-free numbers are only useful for those with landlines. Also note that many mobile phones are 3-way calling enabled and that VOIP systems will allow for ...