Results 1 - 2 of 2 for United States, Technology, 2007

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Presentation: LiveHelp- Helping People Find Information Online (CTC 2007)

Presentation and paper delivered about the pilot LiveHelp projects during the 2007 Court Technology Conference (CTC10) by Kate Bladow, Liz Keith, Eve Ricaurte, and Richard Zorza. Please see the Project Evaluation for more information. Technology Conferenc ...

Evaluation: LiveHelp (Chat) Pilot Project Final Evaluation (Zorza 2007)

Evaluation: LiveHelp (Chat) Pilot Project Final Evaluation (Zorza 2007)

This May 2007 report evaluations the LiveHelp Pilot Project, live chat services for access to justice web site users.   Recommended Citation: Richard Zorza, LiveHelp Pilot Project: Chat Services for Access to Justice Web Site Users, Montana Legal Services ...