Results 1 - 2 of 2 for 2015, Articles & SRLN Briefs, Trial Court Self-Help

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Article: Insuring Civil Justice for All: Meeting the Challenges of Poverty (Fisher 2015)

Article: Insuring Civil Justice for All: Meeting the Challenges of Poverty (Fisher 2015)

There are 45.3 million persons living in poverty in the United States. 2 Poverty creates numerous challenges for individuals. Lack of affordable and livable housing, adequate healthcare, and sufficient food, and the inability to access and complete a qual ...

Paper: Non-Lawyer Legal Assistance Roles (Clarke 2015)

Paper: Non-Lawyer Legal Assistance Roles (Clarke 2015)

The Utah Supreme Court has created a committee to study the possibility of creating a limited license legal technician- or something along those lines- in Utah. Their report is due out at the end of November. As part of the committee's work, Tom Clar ...