Results 1 - 4 of 4 for 100% Access to Justice, LLLT, Allied Professionals

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Report: Supreme Court Task Force to Examine Limited Legal Licensing (Utah 2015)

Report: Supreme Court Task Force to Examine Limited Legal Licensing (Utah 2015)

From the Introduction: Probably most Utah communities are not that different from “Middle City, USA,” a mid-size, mid-West community that was the location of the 2014 Community Needs and Services Study by the American Bar Association. 1) In a random sampl ...

Report: Navigator Snapshot Report (New York 2014)

Report: Navigator Snapshot Report (New York 2014)

From the Executive Summary THE NEW YORK STATE COURT NAVIGATOR PROGRAM was begun in March 2014 following Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman’s announcement of the program in his February 2014 State of the Judiciary address. The Navigator Program was created by th ...

Article: New Roles for Non-Lawyers to Increase Access to Justice (Zorza & Udell 2014)

Article: New Roles for Non-Lawyers to Increase Access to Justice (Zorza & Udell 2014)

  Recommended Citation: Zorza, Richard & David Udell, New Roles for Non-Lawyers to Increase Access to Justice, 41 Fordham Urb. L.J. at 1260 (2014), available at LLLT non-lawyer regulatory reform Allied Professiona ...

Paper: Non-Lawyer Legal Assistance Roles (Clarke 2015)

Paper: Non-Lawyer Legal Assistance Roles (Clarke 2015)

The Utah Supreme Court has created a committee to study the possibility of creating a limited license legal technician- or something along those lines- in Utah. Their report is due out at the end of November. As part of the committee's work, Tom Clar ...