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Results 1 - 6 of 6 for Tools for Evaluating Self-Help Programs and Services, Self-Help Centers, United States

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SRLN Brief: Communications Resources (SRLN 2015)

SRLN Brief: Communications Resources (SRLN 2015)

A communications strategy, which is central to any project's success, not only charts communications with internal and external customers, but also serves as an important driver for the metrics collected to measure success. Voices for Civil Justice h ...

Tool: CA Self-Help Centers' Self-Assessment Tool for Quality Programs (CA Courts 2018)

Tool: CA Self-Help Centers' Self-Assessment Tool for Quality Programs (CA Courts 2018)

The California Self-Help Centers’ Self-Assessment Tool for Quality Programs was developed as a strategic and tactical planning template to promote quality Self-Help Center Programs across California. The tool is designed to connect a wide range of initiat ...

Tool: Self-Diagnostic Protocols & Solutions for Affordable Access to Justice Innovations (SRLN 2010)

Tool: Self-Diagnostic Protocols & Solutions for Affordable Access to Justice Innovations (SRLN 2010)

Drawing upon a wide range of  Best Practices (, approaches, tools and materials developed by the SRLN, this resource is designed to help courts identify and implement potential improvements in access and efficiency in as cost effective a manner a ...

Tool: Tools for Evaluation of Court-Based Self-Help Centers (California CFCC 2015)

Tool: Tools for Evaluation of Court-Based Self-Help Centers (California CFCC 2015)

The Equal Access Unit of the California Judicial Branch Center for Families, Children & the Courts, provides materials for courts, court-based self-help programs, and other nonprofit providers of legal self-help services. The Unit provides the followi ...

Report: Listen > Learn > Lead: A Guide to Improving Court Services through User-Centered Design (IAALS 2019)

Report: Listen > Learn > Lead: A Guide to Improving Court Services through User-Centered Design (IAALS 2019)

This report was published as part of IAALS's Court Compass project and provides a guide to leveraging design sprints to engage court users. The following is an excerpt from the report: "IAALS, the Institute for the Advancement of the American Le ...

Webinar: SRLN Problem Solving Call - Remote Usability Testing and User Feedback (Mathias Burton 2020)

Webinar: SRLN Problem Solving Call- Remote Usability Testing and User Feedback (Mathias Burton 2020)

Mathias Burton, Director of Product Research & Design at Tyler Technologies, presented about Remote Usability Testing and User Feedback on SRLN's Problem Solving Call. View Mathias Burton's Remote Usability Testing and User Feedback on SRLN& ...