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Results 1 - 3 of 3 for Courts, Reports, Best Practices for Self-Help Centers

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Report: Delivering Cost Effective Legal Services and Information in Challenging Economic Times (New York Courts 2015)

Report: Delivering Cost Effective Legal Services and Information in Challenging Economic Times (New York Courts 2015)

The New York State Courts Access to Justice Program’s 2015 Report, entitled, Delivering Cost Effective Legal Services and Information in Challenging Economic Times was released January 2016 and can be found at ...

Weblinks: Elkins Family Law Task Force & Implementation Task Force (Judicial Branch of California 2010, 2013)

Weblinks: Elkins Family Law Task Force & Implementation Task Force (Judicial Branch of California 2010, 2013)

In  Elkins v. Superior Court   (2007) 41 Cal.4th 1337,  the California court recommended that the Judicial Council of California establish a task force to “study and propose measures to assist trial courts in achieving efficiency and fairness in marital d ...

Resource: Resource Guide on Serving Self-Represented Litigants Remotely (SRLN 2016)

Resource: Resource Guide on Serving Self-Represented Litigants Remotely (SRLN 2016)

The Resource Guide provides options for courts and other entities interested in providing services to self-represented litigants using means that are not face-to-face, instead of, or in addition to, in-person alternatives such as walk-in services, worksho ...