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Results 1 - 10 of 11 for United States, Scaling in Court Systems, Justice Tech Entrepreneurs

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Report: Building A Litigant Portal: Business and Technical Requirements (NCSC 2015)

Report: Building A Litigant Portal: Business and Technical Requirements (NCSC 2015)

With funding from State Justice Institute, Thomas Clarke of the National Center for State Courts assembled two advisory committees – one to develop the business requirements for a litigant portal, and another to examine the technical requirements necessar ...

Report:  Remote Appearances of Parties, Attorneys and Witnesses, A Review of Current Court Rules and Practices (SRLN 2017)

Report: Remote Appearances of Parties, Attorneys and Witnesses, A Review of Current Court Rules and Practices (SRLN 2017)

The Remote Appearances of Parties, Attorneys and Witnesses, A Review of Current Court Rules and Practices report is a follow up report to Serving Self-Represented Litigants Remotely – A Resource Guide. It "presents the author’s conclusions about the ...

Best Practices: Best Practices in Court-Based Programs for the Self-Represented: Concepts, Attributes, Issues for Exploration, Examples, Contacts, and Resources (SRLN 2008)

Best Practices: Best Practices in Court-Based Programs for the Self-Represented: Concepts, Attributes, Issues for Exploration, Examples, Contacts, and Resources (SRLN 2008)

This document, now in its second version, summarizes forty-two best practices in court based self-help service innovation, with descriptions of each practice, suggested attributes, examples and contacts.   Recommended Citation, The Self-Represented Litiga ...

Article: The Clearspire Story (Legal Mosaic 2017)

Article: The Clearspire Story (Legal Mosaic 2017)

The Clearspire Story, attached below, offers a great case study to consider the conditions determine the success of a legal tech idea. Mark A. Cohen details the lessons he learned running Clearspire, a law firm and legal services company that leveraged a ...

Report: A Guide to Model Rules for Electronic Filing and Service (Lexis Nexis 2003)

Report: A Guide to Model Rules for Electronic Filing and Service (Lexis Nexis 2003)

This 2003 guide to model rules for e-filing discusses the use of the model rules, outlines the proposed model rules with commentary, and discusses filing and service procedures. Technology Integration with Institutional Process Regulatory Concerns Scaling ...

Resource: Open Referral Initiative (Open Referral 2014)

Resource: Open Referral Initiative (Open Referral 2014)

Open Referral develops data standards and open source tools that make it easier to share, find and use information about health, human, and social services. Open Referral's resource data interoperability protocols – specifically, the Human Services D ...

Resource: Guiding Principles for Post-Pandemic Court Technology (CCJ/COSCA 2020)

Resource: Guiding Principles for Post-Pandemic Court Technology (CCJ/COSCA 2020)

The Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) and Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA) published these Guiding Principles for Post-Pandemic Court Technology on July 16, 2020 with the goal to better guide state courts as they moved services to remote ...

Article: The Access To Justice “Sorting Hat” Towards A System Of Triage And Intake That Maximizes Access And Outcomes (Zorza  2012)

Article: The Access To Justice “Sorting Hat” Towards A System Of Triage And Intake That Maximizes Access And Outcomes (Zorza 2012)

In this seminal article, Richard Zorza discusses the fact that we know little of the processes by which the millions of people who approach courts, legal aid intake systems, and hotlines are directed into them, or the access services they do or do not rec ...

Resource: No-Code Technology Directory (A2J Tech 2022)

Resource: No-Code Technology Directory (A2J Tech 2022)

Our colleagues at A2J Tech have created a repository of No-Code software you can browse. Check out the A2J Tech Directory of No-Code Technology. The collection includes over 160 no-code technology you can use to launch your legal tech solution.   Justice ...

Resource: Resource Guide on Serving Self-Represented Litigants Remotely (SRLN 2016)

Resource: Resource Guide on Serving Self-Represented Litigants Remotely (SRLN 2016)

The Resource Guide provides options for courts and other entities interested in providing services to self-represented litigants using means that are not face-to-face, instead of, or in addition to, in-person alternatives such as walk-in services, worksho ...