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Results 1 - 6 of 6 for United States, Katherine Alteneder, Reports, Evaluations, Best Practices, Surveys

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Presentation: Current Research on SRLs (SRLN 2014)

Presentation: Current Research on SRLs (SRLN 2014)

Research on Self-Represented Litigants was presented at the NACM 2014 Mid-Year Conference. The Current Research on Self-Represented Litigants slide presentation (opens Google presentation) was delivered by Bonnie Hough (Moderator), Angela Tripp, Michigan, ...

Resource: Title IV-D Funding Resource Guide (SRLN 2014, revised 2017)

Resource: Title IV-D Funding Resource Guide (SRLN 2014, revised 2017)

Many state court systems and individual courts take advantage of federal funding under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act to obtain reimbursement for the costs of adjudicating child support and paternity matters when hearings are handled by persons oth ...

Survey: SRLN Tiers of Service Survey Tool (SRLN 2015)

Survey: SRLN Tiers of Service Survey Tool (SRLN 2015)

The SRLN Tiers Survey was developed for states to conduct a quick tiered inventory of their court based self-help services. Tier 1 services are asynchronous (one-way), Tier 2 services are synchronous (two-way), and Tier 3 services integrate multiple provi ...

Report: Voices in the Civil Justice System: Learning from Self-Represented Litigants and Their Trusted Intermediaries (Alteneder & Gonzalez 2020)

Report: Voices in the Civil Justice System: Learning from Self-Represented Litigants and Their Trusted Intermediaries (Alteneder & Gonzalez 2020)

Executive Summary It is estimated that more than 30 million people are self-represented litigants (SRLs) in America's civil courts annually. Depending on case type or location, the Florida courts regularly manage civil dockets that are comprised almo ...

Resource: SRLN Legal Design Bibliography (SRLN 2020)

Resource: SRLN Legal Design Bibliography (SRLN 2020)

The attached bibliography provides a comprehensive, but not exhaustive, list of resourcs and materials related to legal design research, thought leadership, and case studies demonstrating it's potential to improve access to justice.   For more inform ...

SRLN Brief: Intro to Design Thinking (SRLN 2017)

SRLN Brief: Intro to Design Thinking (SRLN 2017)

In the Access to Justice space, design thinkin g practices from the technology space are increasingly embraced to improve the way people access legal services and to improve and simplify the processes themselves. Reviewing practices around the country, we ...