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Results 1 - 3 of 3 for reengineering, Alex Smith Davis, News

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Maryland Centralizes District and Circuit Court Self-Help While Expanding Phone and Mobile Support (News 2016)

Maryland Centralizes District and Circuit Court Self-Help While Expanding Phone and Mobile Support (News 2016)

After unifying its statewide self-help support services into a single call line and support center, the Maryland court system’s new Maryland Self-Help Center expects to at least double the number of litigants it has previously helped while also expanding ...

News: New York Combines Technology, Partners and Re-Engineering Reducing Court Time for DV Victims to Less Than an Hour and Saving Clerks 30 Minutes per File (New York 2015)

News: New York Combines Technology, Partners and Re-Engineering Reducing Court Time for DV Victims to Less Than an Hour and Saving Clerks 30 Minutes per File (New York 2015)

  With the most recent statistics reporting that 1 in 3 women experience domestic violence, hundreds of thousands of protection orders are filed in New York State Courts each year. The Advocate Family Offense Petition Program offers providers across the s ...

News: National Evaluation And Classification Framework For Non-Lawyer Projects Released (Public Welfare Foundation 2015)

News: National Evaluation And Classification Framework For Non-Lawyer Projects Released (Public Welfare Foundation 2015)

As those of us in the access to justice movement know too well, across the country thousands of people arrive at court every day both unrepresented and unsure of where to go. Many believe that solving this access crisis will require non-lawyer involvement ...