Results 1 - 2 of 2 for rural, United States, 100% Access to Justice

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Paper: Courts Need to Provide Access to Justice in Rural America (COSCA 2018)

In a detailed policy paper entitled, Courts Need to Provide Access to Justice in Rural America, and published in 2018 by the Conference of State Court Administrators, readers will find a thoughtful analysis of how rural courts can expand access and suppor ...

News: Alaska Court Uses Triage and Targeted Pro Bono Unbundled Legal Advice to Settle 80% of Contested Domestic Cases (Alaska State Court System 2015)

News: Alaska Court Uses Triage and Targeted Pro Bono Unbundled Legal Advice to Settle 80% of Contested Domestic Cases (Alaska State Court System 2015)

Various Supplementary Resources: Listen to a piece about ERP on NPR Learn more about the self-help services in Alaska for family law cases (opens as PDF) Early Resolution for Family Law Cases in Alaska's Courts Faster, Cheaper & As Satisfying: An ...