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Results 1 - 4 of 4 for Private Bar, Alaska, 100% Access to Justice

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News: Alaska Court Uses Triage and Targeted Pro Bono Unbundled Legal Advice to Settle 80% of Contested Domestic Cases (Alaska State Court System 2015)

News: Alaska Court Uses Triage and Targeted Pro Bono Unbundled Legal Advice to Settle 80% of Contested Domestic Cases (Alaska State Court System 2015)

Various Supplementary Resources: Listen to a piece about ERP on NPR Learn more about the self-help services in Alaska for family law cases (opens as PDF) Early Resolution for Family Law Cases in Alaska's Courts Faster, Cheaper & As Satisfying: An ...

Article: Faster, Cheaper & As Satisfying: An Evaluation of Alaska’s Early Resolution Triage Program (Marz 2016)

Article: Faster, Cheaper & As Satisfying: An Evaluation of Alaska’s Early Resolution Triage Program (Marz 2016)

The Alaska Court System, in partnership with the Alaska Pro Bono Program, created the Early Resolution Program (ERP) to address many issues with which courts across the country are grappling: how to efficiently and effectively manage divorce and custody c ...

Resource: Alaska Unbundled Section Formation Letter (Alaska Bar Association 2010)

Resource: Alaska Unbundled Section Formation Letter (Alaska Bar Association 2010)

The Alaska Bar Association approved the formation on an unbundled services section of the bar in 2010, thereby establishing a mechanism to ensure professional development for lawyers providing these services, creating a neutral mechanism for the court to ...

News: Alaska Bar Association's Unbundled List Offers Court a Neutral Mechanism for Referrals and SRLs Access to the Limited Scope Help They Need (Alaska Bar Association 2016)

News: Alaska Bar Association's Unbundled List Offers Court a Neutral Mechanism for Referrals and SRLs Access to the Limited Scope Help They Need (Alaska Bar Association 2016)

  In 2010, the Alaska Bar Association established the country's first Unbundled Section with the dual goal of supporting its members in the development of their practices and expanding access to justice for the public. The section has two primary fun ...