Results 1 - 2 of 2 for Illinois, Mississippi, Court Navigators

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Resource: Navigator Programs' Contact List (McClymont 2022)

Resource: Navigator Programs' Contact List (McClymont 2022)

This list of contacts includes nonlawyer navigator program leaders whose programs are described in the study, Nonlawyer Navigators in State Courts: An Emerging Consensus. It is current as of August 2022. Management of Programs Alaska Arizona California Di ...

Resource: SRLN Navigator Working Group Webinar (July 2020)

Resource: SRLN Navigator Working Group Webinar (July 2020)

In our July webinar, two navigator program leaders, Seirra Williams (Mississippi) and Stacey Weiler (Illinois), gave updates about their own program activities given changes due to the onset of Covid-19. Watch the recording of the SRLN Navigator July 2020 ...