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Results 1 - 10 of 17 for Trial Court Self-Help, Self-Help Centers, Allied Professionals

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SRLN Brief: Justice Corps (SRLN 2015)

Justice Corps is a program that works in affiliation with Americorps and has been of tremendous benefit to numerous courts, most especially in California. The California JusticeCorps program assists California courts in meeting the needs of self-represent ...

News: Alaska Court Uses Triage and Targeted Pro Bono Unbundled Legal Advice to Settle 80% of Contested Domestic Cases (Alaska State Court System 2015)

News: Alaska Court Uses Triage and Targeted Pro Bono Unbundled Legal Advice to Settle 80% of Contested Domestic Cases (Alaska State Court System 2015)

Various Supplementary Resources: Listen to a piece about ERP on NPR Learn more about the self-help services in Alaska for family law cases (opens as PDF) Early Resolution for Family Law Cases in Alaska's Courts Faster, Cheaper & As Satisfying: An ...

Report: Supreme Court Task Force to Examine Limited Legal Licensing (Utah 2015)

Report: Supreme Court Task Force to Examine Limited Legal Licensing (Utah 2015)

From the Introduction: Probably most Utah communities are not that different from “Middle City, USA,” a mid-size, mid-West community that was the location of the 2014 Community Needs and Services Study by the American Bar Association. 1) In a random sampl ...

Report: Navigator Snapshot Report (New York 2014)

Report: Navigator Snapshot Report (New York 2014)

From the Executive Summary THE NEW YORK STATE COURT NAVIGATOR PROGRAM was begun in March 2014 following Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman’s announcement of the program in his February 2014 State of the Judiciary address. The Navigator Program was created by th ...

News: Limited Licensed Legal Technician Program (American Bar Foundation 2017)

News: Limited Licensed Legal Technician Program (American Bar Foundation 2017)

The Washington State Supreme Court ( and the Washington State Bar Association ( created an innovative program to expand the provision of legal services. Limited Licensed Legal Technicians (LLLTs) represent a new legal role that buil ...

News: National Evaluation And Classification Framework For Non-Lawyer Projects Released (Public Welfare Foundation 2015)

News: National Evaluation And Classification Framework For Non-Lawyer Projects Released (Public Welfare Foundation 2015)

As those of us in the access to justice movement know too well, across the country thousands of people arrive at court every day both unrepresented and unsure of where to go. Many believe that solving this access crisis will require non-lawyer involvement ...

News: Call for Justice (Minnesota 2015)

News: Call for Justice (Minnesota 2015)

Call for Justice, LLC is an innovative non-profit in Minneapolis that seeks to improve access to justice by connecting low-income people to existing legal resources, in partnership with United Way 211 and others. Through collaboration and training, Call f ...

Report: Making Self-Help Work: Bet Tzedek’s Conservatorship Clinic (Bet Tzedek 2013)

Report: Making Self-Help Work: Bet Tzedek’s Conservatorship Clinic (Bet Tzedek 2013)

Since 2007, Bet Tzedek Legal Services  has been running a self-help conservatorship clinic in partnership with the Los Angeles Superior Court. Originally designed to serve 150 self-represented litigants per year, the program served more than 1,400 self-re ...

Resolution: In Support of Continuing Efforts to Meet Civil Legal Needs (CCJ/COSCA 2021)

Resolution: In Support of Continuing Efforts to Meet Civil Legal Needs (CCJ/COSCA 2021)

In February of 2021, the Conference of Chief Justices and the Conference of State Court Administrators adopted Resolution 2 In Support of Continuing Efforts to Meet Civil Legal Needs. After extensive findings setting out the need, especially during the CO ...

Article: Achieving Meaningful Partnerships with Nonprofit Organizations: A View from the Field (Mendel 2013)

Article: Achieving Meaningful Partnerships with Nonprofit Organizations: A View from the Field (Mendel 2013)

This article addresses a topic of vital importance to the nonprofit sector: the dominant preference of institutional funders for visible partnerships and the reality that most of these are shallow relationships entered into by their participants to obtain ...