Results 1 - 4 of 4 for Plain Language & LEP, 2015, Self-Represented Litigation Network

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SRLN Brief: LEP Language Access Resources (SRLN 2015)

SRLN Brief: LEP Language Access Resources (SRLN 2015)

Without proper language assistance, Limited English Proficient (LEP) court users are excluded from meaningful participation in the courts. Federal laws particularly applicable to language access include Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Ti ...

SRLN Brief: Plain Language Resources for 100% Access (SRLN 2015)

SRLN Brief: Plain Language Resources for 100% Access (SRLN 2015)

What is plain language? As described by the federal government on, plain language is communication your audience can understand the first time they read or hear it. Plain language is recognized as an essential best practice in all access ...

SRLN Brief: Plain Language Audit Tools for Your Documents (SRLN 2015)

SRLN Brief: Plain Language Audit Tools for Your Documents (SRLN 2015)

Here are various resources to help test your documents: This article from the  NWT Literacy Council  in Canada tackles what is a plain language audit, who should do a plain language audit, why should you do a plain language audit, and how do you do a plai ...

SRLN Brief: Plain Language Examples from the Community (SRLN 2015)

SRLN Brief: Plain Language Examples from the Community (SRLN 2015)

This page contains sample Plain Language materials which are available for download.  Sample Plain Language Materials: Plain Language Help for Victims of DV Flye (Transcend) Plain Language Help for Victims of DV Cartoo (Transcend) Plain Language Holiday S ...