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Results 1 - 5 of 5 for 100% Access to Justice, United States, Illinois

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Presentation: Know Your Users - The Importance of User Experience in Court Planning and Operations (Court Technology Conference 2017)

Presentation: Know Your Users- The Importance of User Experience in Court Planning and Operations (Court Technology Conference 2017)

The Illinois Supreme Court and SRLN created a mapping application to assess the court user's experience in Illinois. “User experience and thinking about our users helps increase efficiencies, helps us know what we don't know, and helps us better ...

Resource: Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice Uses SRLN Maps for Statewide Strategic Planning

The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice has started using the SRLN demographics maps for presentations to circuit clerks, circuit court judges, civil legal aid and pro bono practitioners. “The maps helped provide context for why access ...

News: Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice Uses SRLN Maps for Statewide Strategic Planning (Illinois Supreme Court 2017)

News: Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice Uses SRLN Maps for Statewide Strategic Planning (Illinois Supreme Court 2017)

The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice has started using the SRLN demographics maps for presentations to circuit clerks, circuit court judges, civil legal aid and pro bono practitioners. “The maps helped provide context for why access ...

Study: AmeriCorps Court-Based Navigator Programs (Justice in Government Project 2020)

Study: AmeriCorps Court-Based Navigator Programs (Justice in Government Project 2020)

The Justice in Government Project (JGP) at American University, with support from Pew Charitable Trusts, seeks to support funding for legal aid and improve initiatives that address the access to justice gap. The JGP's Civil Legal System Modernization ...

Article: Rule Changes Permit Limited Representation in Litigation: Increasing Access and Opportunity (Holtermann 2013)

Article: Rule Changes Permit Limited Representation in Litigation: Increasing Access and Opportunity (Holtermann 2013)

In this article, David Holtermann, general counsel of the Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois who was involved in drafting an early proposal for the limited scope rule changes ultimately approved by the Illinois Supreme Court, discusses the rule changes and po ...