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Results 1 - 4 of 4 for United States, Bonnie Rose Hough, John Greacen

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Paper: Self Represented Litigants: Self Help Programs – Making the Case to the Bench and Bar (Greacen, Hough, Ledray 2006)

John Greacen, Bonnie Hough, and Susan Ledray presented at the July 2006 National Association of Court Management meeting in Florida. They discussed 1) Reasons to have a self help program; 2) Objections to starting a self help program (and responses).  Mat ...

Presentation: Current Research on SRLs (SRLN 2014)

Presentation: Current Research on SRLs (SRLN 2014)

Research on Self-Represented Litigants was presented at the NACM 2014 Mid-Year Conference. The Current Research on Self-Represented Litigants slide presentation (opens Google presentation) was delivered by Bonnie Hough (Moderator), Angela Tripp, Michigan, ...

Article: Using Technology to Enhance Access to Justice (Cabral, Chavan, Clarke, Greacen, Hough, Rexer, Ribadeneyra, Zorza 2012)

Article: Using Technology to Enhance Access to Justice (Cabral, Chavan, Clarke, Greacen, Hough, Rexer, Ribadeneyra, Zorza 2012)

This is a collection of seven article published in the Fall 2012 issue of the Harvard Journal of Law and Technology (JOLT) as part of LSC's June 2012 technology summit. These articles focus on how to best utilize particular technologies to enhance ac ...

Article: Judicial Techniques for Cases Involving Self-Represented Litigants (Albrecht, Greacen, Hough and Zorza 2003)

Article: Judicial Techniques for Cases Involving Self-Represented Litigants (Albrecht, Greacen, Hough and Zorza 2003)

This is one of the first article published to stimulate a national dialogue about how judges can best structure and manage their courtrooms to accommodate the needs of self-represented litigants. It remains one of the most accessible introductions to the ...