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Report: Equal Justice and the Digital Revolution: Using Technology to Meet the Needs of Low-Income People (CLASP & NLADA 2002)

This report describes the history of legal aid technology innovation and recommends various objectives for the legal services community to continue to improve its use of technology to provide equal justice for all. technology Reports Technology United Sta ...

Conference: Nonprofit Technology Conference (New Orleans 2018)

Conference: Nonprofit Technology Conference (New Orleans 2018)

The 2018 Nonprofit Technology Network will hold its conference (18NTC) from April 11 to April 13, 2018 in New Orleans, LA. For more information, please visit the Nonprofit Technology Network's event page: NTC technology Conf ...

Article: Increasing Access to Justice for the Self-Represented Through Web Technologies (Herman 2007)

Article: Increasing Access to Justice for the Self-Represented Through Web Technologies (Herman 2007)

This November 2007 article provides examples of how web technology is being used to increase access to courts for self-represented litigants. Best practices for developing web content and meeting specific audience needs is discussed, along with creative u ...