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Results 1 - 10 of 36 for United States, [2016-01-01T00:00:00Z TO 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z]

Search results

RFP: SRLN Springboard Conference (2017)

RFP: SRLN Springboard Conference (2017)

Request for Training Proposals for the 2017 SRLN Conference February 23-24, 2017 at the Judicial Council of California Building San Francisco, California About the Conference: As announced in August, due to the ever growing interest in self-represented li ...

Report: NCSC Judicial Conduct Reporter (Gray 2014)

This issue of the Judicial Conduct Reporter includes an indepth look at how states are addressing the ethics issues posed by self-represented litigants, including a review of case law and Judicial Code of Ethics 2.2. 2.2 Judges Reports Judicial Ethics Uni ...

Maryland Centralizes District and Circuit Court Self-Help While Expanding Phone and Mobile Support (News 2016)

Maryland Centralizes District and Circuit Court Self-Help While Expanding Phone and Mobile Support (News 2016)

After unifying its statewide self-help support services into a single call line and support center, the Maryland court system’s new Maryland Self-Help Center expects to at least double the number of litigants it has previously helped while also expanding ...

Pittsburgh Court Doubles the Number of Self-Represented Litigants Served In First Three Months With No-Cost Reengineering Initiative (News 2016)

Pittsburgh Court Doubles the Number of Self-Represented Litigants Served In First Three Months With No-Cost Reengineering Initiative (News 2016)

In Pittsburgh, reengineering was the key to serving Self-Represented Litigants (SRLs), resulting in the opening of the court’s  Family Division Self-Help Center  (SHC), which doubled the number of customers served while offering a more sophisticated set o ...

New GuideClearly Plug-In Streamlines Triage and Increases Access on Self-Help Desktop and Mobile Websites (News 2016)

New GuideClearly Plug-In Streamlines Triage and Increases Access on Self-Help Desktop and Mobile Websites (News 2016)

Meet GuideClearly, the newest Open Advocate plug-in designed by LSC partner Urban Insight aimed at guiding website visitors directly to the content and information they seek. Its design and usability are particularly applicable to self-help centers, law l ...

Alison Davis-Holland

Alison Davis-Holland

Alison Davis-Holland is the Cartography and Story Maps Lead for the Self-Represented Litigation Network (SRLN). She is a veteran cartographer and geographer with over 20 years of experience using geographic information systems (GIS) technology and maps to ...

Rhode Island Judiciary Provides Equal Access for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency (Rhode Island 2016)

In April 2016, the Rhode Island Justice Department announced the closure of its case concerning the provision of language assistance to individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP) in the state court system following the successful implementation of ...

Resource: What a Geographic Information Systems Is and What it Can Do (Davis-Holland 2016)

Resource: What a Geographic Information Systems Is and What it Can Do (Davis-Holland 2016)

Alison Davis-Holland's GIS with a Test Drive presentation, offered as a slideshare, highlights the top ten functions that GIS can do and uses simple language to explain the capabilities of GIS and spatial analysis. The presentation provides real worl ...

Report: White House LAIR: Expanding Access to Justice, Strengthening Federal Programs First Annual Report (DOJ 2016)

White House LAIR released its first annual report entitled Expanding Access to Justice, Strengthening Federal Programs (opens as PDF), which is also available at From the executive summary:   "Ci ...

Resource: GIS/Data Resources for Justice (SRLN 2017)

Resource: GIS/Data Resources for Justice (SRLN 2017)

Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and data can provide useful information to drive decision making in the justice community. Here are some resources that can help.   Data Geospatial datasets at ArcGIS Online Census Bureau's Amer ...