Results 1 - 2 of 2 for 100% Access to Justice, Courts, [2015-01-01T00:00:00Z TO 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z], Judges

Search results

News: Alaska Court Uses Triage and Targeted Pro Bono Unbundled Legal Advice to Settle 80% of Contested Domestic Cases (Alaska State Court System 2015)

News: Alaska Court Uses Triage and Targeted Pro Bono Unbundled Legal Advice to Settle 80% of Contested Domestic Cases (Alaska State Court System 2015)

Various Supplementary Resources: Listen to a piece about ERP on NPR Learn more about the self-help services in Alaska for family law cases (opens as PDF) Early Resolution for Family Law Cases in Alaska's Courts Faster, Cheaper & As Satisfying: An ...

Article: Some First Thoughts On Court Simplification: The Key To Civil Access And Justice Transformation (Zorza 2013)

Article: Some First Thoughts On Court Simplification: The Key To Civil Access And Justice Transformation (Zorza 2013)

From the Abstract: Given the discrepancy between access to justice needs and the resources that are realistically made available, current incremental approaches are almost bound to fail. The only realistic path to providing 100% of litigants with meaningf ...