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Results 1 - 2 of 2 for 100% Access to Justice, California, New York

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SRLN Brief: Examples of LHI Driven Partnerships (ProBonoNet 2016)

SRLN Brief: Examples of LHI Driven Partnerships (ProBonoNet 2016)

In addition to offering a platform for document assembly, the LHI project has been the catalyst to many significant court, legal aid and community partnerships. Below is a summary of just a few game changing partnerships. LHI also looks for access to just ...

Racial Justice Statements from the Courts (2020)

Racial Justice Statements from the Courts (2020)

After the killing of George Floyd and the national outpouring calling for racial justice in America, many courts issued statements. SRLN is aware of the following. If your state or local court has issued a statement, please send the hyperlink to info@srln ...