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Results 1 - 5 of 5 for 100% Access to Justice, Justice Tech Entrepreneurs, Integration with Institutional Process

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SRLN Brief: Examples of LHI Driven Partnerships (ProBonoNet 2016)

SRLN Brief: Examples of LHI Driven Partnerships (ProBonoNet 2016)

In addition to offering a platform for document assembly, the LHI project has been the catalyst to many significant court, legal aid and community partnerships. Below is a summary of just a few game changing partnerships. LHI also looks for access to just ...

Best Practices: Best Practices in Court-Based Programs for the Self-Represented: Concepts, Attributes, Issues for Exploration, Examples, Contacts, and Resources (SRLN 2008)

Best Practices: Best Practices in Court-Based Programs for the Self-Represented: Concepts, Attributes, Issues for Exploration, Examples, Contacts, and Resources (SRLN 2008)

This document, now in its second version, summarizes forty-two best practices in court based self-help service innovation, with descriptions of each practice, suggested attributes, examples and contacts.   Recommended Citation, The Self-Represented Litiga ...

News: New York Combines Technology, Partners and Re-Engineering Reducing Court Time for DV Victims to Less Than an Hour and Saving Clerks 30 Minutes per File (New York 2015)

News: New York Combines Technology, Partners and Re-Engineering Reducing Court Time for DV Victims to Less Than an Hour and Saving Clerks 30 Minutes per File (New York 2015)

  With the most recent statistics reporting that 1 in 3 women experience domestic violence, hundreds of thousands of protection orders are filed in New York State Courts each year. The Advocate Family Offense Petition Program offers providers across the s ...

Resource: Guiding Principles for Post-Pandemic Court Technology (CCJ/COSCA 2020)

Resource: Guiding Principles for Post-Pandemic Court Technology (CCJ/COSCA 2020)

The Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) and Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA) published these Guiding Principles for Post-Pandemic Court Technology on July 16, 2020 with the goal to better guide state courts as they moved services to remote ...

Webinar: SRLN/SCCLL A2J Webinar I/II - Access to Justice: Who’s Your Partner and Where Are You Going? (SRLN/SCCLL 2015)

Webinar: SRLN/SCCLL A2J Webinar I/II- Access to Justice: Who’s Your Partner and Where Are You Going? (SRLN/SCCLL 2015)

Wednesday, Feb. 18, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Eastern Panelists: Sara Galligan, Terrye Conroy Moderator: James Durham           Program Description: Partnerships are essential ways of doing business for law librarians in all types of libraries. This access to just ...