Results 1 - 4 of 4 for Technology, 2019

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SRLN Brief: ODR Resources (SRLN 2019)

SRLN Brief: ODR Resources (SRLN 2019)

SRLN Brief: ODR Resources (SRLN 2019)   Online Dispute Resolution SRLN 2019 ...

Report: Technology, Access to Justice, and the Rule of Law (The Law Society 2019)

Report: Technology, Access to Justice, and the Rule of Law (The Law Society 2019)

The Law Society represents, promotes, and supports solicitors, publicising their unique role in providing legal advice, ensuring justice for all and upholding the rule of law. Innovation and technology are playing a critical role in ensuring everyone has ...

Article: Online Dispute Resolution in Local Courts (Pew 2019)

Article: Online Dispute Resolution in Local Courts (Pew 2019)

Highlighting the success of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) in the private sector, this  fact sheet from the Pew Charitable Trust's Civil Legal Modernization Project suggests how ODR can be leveraged in the courts- making the litigation process more ...

Report: Testing Triage: Navigating (Rae 2019)

Report: Testing Triage: Navigating (Rae 2019)

In 2019, the Florida Justice Technology Center, conducted user tests of the new staging website. The user testing participants were provided with a hypothetical legal problem and asked to navigate the site to get the help they wa ...