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Results 71 - 80 of 102 for Self-Help Centers

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Article: The Access To Justice “Sorting Hat” Towards A System Of Triage And Intake That Maximizes Access And Outcomes (Zorza  2012)

Article: The Access To Justice “Sorting Hat” Towards A System Of Triage And Intake That Maximizes Access And Outcomes (Zorza 2012)

In this seminal article, Richard Zorza discusses the fact that we know little of the processes by which the millions of people who approach courts, legal aid intake systems, and hotlines are directed into them, or the access services they do or do not rec ...

Article: Ensuring Access to Justice in Tough Economic Times (Broccolina & Zorza 2008)

Article: Ensuring Access to Justice in Tough Economic Times (Broccolina & Zorza 2008)

This article outlines seven suggestions for the courts which require relatively small or easily found upfront investment and minor ongoing expenditures. This article first appeared in the November-December 2008 (Volume 92, Number 3) of JUDICATURE, the Jou ...

Article: Insuring Civil Justice for All: Meeting the Challenges of Poverty (Fisher 2015)

Article: Insuring Civil Justice for All: Meeting the Challenges of Poverty (Fisher 2015)

There are 45.3 million persons living in poverty in the United States. 2 Poverty creates numerous challenges for individuals. Lack of affordable and livable housing, adequate healthcare, and sufficient food, and the inability to access and complete a qual ...

Article: New Roles for Non-Lawyers to Increase Access to Justice (Zorza & Udell 2014)

Article: New Roles for Non-Lawyers to Increase Access to Justice (Zorza & Udell 2014)

  Recommended Citation: Zorza, Richard & David Udell, New Roles for Non-Lawyers to Increase Access to Justice, 41 Fordham Urb. L.J. at 1260 (2014), available at LLLT non-lawyer regulatory reform Allied Professiona ...

Article: Triage - A Vital Tool to Increase Access to Justice (Boyle 2013)

Article: Triage- A Vital Tool to Increase Access to Justice (Boyle 2013)

In this article in Slaw, Canada's on-line legal magazine, Kari Boyle reviews some of the triage activity in Canadian Civil Justice Reform.  About the author: Kari D. Boyle is the Executive Director of the Vancouver-based Mediate BC Society, which off ...

Article: Some First Thoughts On Court Simplification: The Key To Civil Access And Justice Transformation (Zorza 2013)

Article: Some First Thoughts On Court Simplification: The Key To Civil Access And Justice Transformation (Zorza 2013)

From the Abstract: Given the discrepancy between access to justice needs and the resources that are realistically made available, current incremental approaches are almost bound to fail. The only realistic path to providing 100% of litigants with meaningf ...

Article: No Legal Advice from Court Personnel - What Does that Mean (Greacen 1995)

Article: No Legal Advice from Court Personnel- What Does that Mean (Greacen 1995)

This is the seminal article that explores the underlying rationale that resulted in the blanket prohibition of clerk's not being able to provide information to the public for fear that it would be advice. In the article, Greacen suggests the framewor ...

Article: Community Courts and Family (Chase, Alexander, Miller 2000)

Article: Community Courts and Family (Chase, Alexander, Miller 2000)

The authors introduce the idea of a community court as an interaction among courts, social service agencies, and the community. They discuss several models, prominent among them the Midtown Community Court in Manhattan, before going on to apply community ...

Article: California’s Family Law Facilitator Program: A New Paradigm for the Courts (Harrison, Chase, Surh 2000)

Article: California’s Family Law Facilitator Program: A New Paradigm for the Courts (Harrison, Chase, Surh 2000)

In 1997, California introduced its Family Law Facilitator Program to guide unrepresented family litigants through the judicial process. The authors, all active facilitators, discuss the program’s development, including some of the hurdles it has overcome. ...

Paper: Non-Lawyer Legal Assistance Roles (Clarke 2015)

Paper: Non-Lawyer Legal Assistance Roles (Clarke 2015)

The Utah Supreme Court has created a committee to study the possibility of creating a limited license legal technician- or something along those lines- in Utah. Their report is due out at the end of November. As part of the committee's work, Tom Clar ...