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Results 71 - 80 of 127 for SRLN

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Reaching SRLs During COVID: Outreach Campaigns Leverage Social Media, Ad Spots, and Traditional Print to Ensure SRLs Know Self-Help Support Is Still Available (News 2021)

Reaching SRLs During COVID: Outreach Campaigns Leverage Social Media, Ad Spots, and Traditional Print to Ensure SRLs Know Self-Help Support Is Still Available (News 2021)

With in-person support for SRLs limited or halted due to COVID, a significant number of self-help services are continuing to serve the public even when their court might be closed. The challenge in this circumstance becomes how to tell the public that sel ...

Resource: LSC Legal Navigator Portal Project (2021)

Resource: LSC Legal Navigator Portal Project (2021)

The “Legal Navigator” is an online platform designed to be used by individuals alone or with non-legal providers with whom they may already be working to address a variety of other issues.  We are automating self-help in a new way that replicates the ques ...

Statement: SRLN celebrates identity and belonging this Pride Month (SRLN 2021)

Statement: SRLN celebrates identity and belonging this Pride Month (SRLN 2021)

    At the Self-Represented Litigation Network, we respect identity. We honor identity and belonging in June by observing Pride Month in memory of the Stonewall Uprising in New York City on June 28, 1969 and in support of the LGBTQ+ rights movement. While ...

Statement: SRLN stands against injustice & reflects on the history of Juneteenth (SRLN 2021)

Statement: SRLN stands against injustice & reflects on the history of Juneteenth (SRLN 2021)

  We want to honor Juneteenth and hold up our Black colleagues with respect and deep gratitude for their leadership. We see you and honor you. June 19, 1865 commemorates the day upon which federal troops enforced the Emancipation Proclamation – two and a ...

Resource: SRLN Justice Tech Working Group Write-ups (SRLN 2021)

Resource: SRLN Justice Tech Working Group Write-ups (SRLN 2021)

This page provides a list of documents created in collaboration with working group members and network colleagues to explore important justice tech issues. If you would like to make suggestions please leave a comment or suggestion in the doc and the SRLN ...

SRLN Brief: Addressing Remote Hearing Access and Digital Divide for SRLs (SRLN 2020)

SRLN Brief: Addressing Remote Hearing Access and Digital Divide for SRLs (SRLN 2020)

As courts have moved to remote access due to the COVID-19 pandemic, new issues have emerged for SRLs, including but not limited to the following: Lack of tech support Lack of devices Limited data and phone minutes Spotty internet access Slow internet spee ...

Resource: SRLN Newsletters

Resource: SRLN Newsletters

2016 SRLN Newsletter, Volume 2, Issue 2 (April 2016) SRLN Newsletter, Volume 2, Issue 1 (February 2016) 2015 SRLN Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 1 (Dec. 2015) newsletter Articles & SRLN Briefs SRLN 2016 ...

SRLN Brief: Advocacy Strategies & Relationship Building to Improve SRL Services (SRLN 2021)

SRLN Brief: Advocacy Strategies & Relationship Building to Improve SRL Services (SRLN 2021)

The Justice for All Initiative envisions a future in which civil justice is administered through a continuum of services, from self-help materials to alternative dispute resolution to limited-scope or full legal representation. In this continuum, individu ...

News: Leveraging Emergency Response Network Coordination to Meet SRLs In Need: Legal Aid Society of Hawai’i Launches Text-to-Legal Services Pilot at COVID-19 Food Distribution Sites Across County (Legal Aid Society of Hawai'i 2020)

News: Leveraging Emergency Response Network Coordination to Meet SRLs In Need: Legal Aid Society of Hawai’i Launches Text-to-Legal Services Pilot at COVID-19 Food Distribution Sites Across County (Legal Aid Society of Hawai'i 2020)

As COVID-19 increases the need for civil legal help, the Legal Aid Society of Hawai’i took an innovative approach to meet SRLs where many are in these challenging times: food distribution sites. As a member of one of Hawai`i’s FEMA Emergency Support Funct ...

News: Self-Help Innovations in Maryland (News 2021)

News: Self-Help Innovations in Maryland (News 2021)

The Maryland Court Help Center 2021 Provider Conference offered a glimpse into some of the cutting edge innovations in self-help in the COVID era. 1   Court Help Center Knowledge Base Maryland Court Help Providers have access to the Court Help Center Know ...