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Conference: 2016 LSC Technology Initiative Grant (TIG) Conference (San Antonio 2016)

Conference: 2016 LSC Technology Initiative Grant (TIG) Conference (San Antonio 2016)

The annual Technology Initiative Grant Conference is the only national event focused exclusively on the use of technology in the legal aid community. The conference provides a unique opportunity to learn about effective uses of technology in legal aid, ne ...

Survey: Texas Self-Represented Persons Survey Instrument (Texas Access to Justice Commission 2005)

This 15-question survey instrument was developed by the Court-based Assisted Pro Se Subcommittee of the Texas Access to Justice Commission to survey court clerks about self-represented litigants in Texas courtrooms. Surveys Texas United States TX Revised ...

National Legal Aid and Defender Association (NLADA) 2018 Annual Conference (Houston)

National Legal Aid and Defender Association (NLADA) 2018 Annual Conference (Houston)

The 2018 NLADA annual conference will occur in Houston, Texas. For more information see the conference webpage. Conference Wednesday, October 31, 2018- 1:00am to Saturday, November 3, 2018- 12:00pm Add to Calendar iCalendar Outlook Google Yahoo Texas SRLN ...

Conference: SRLN Conference on Public Libraries and Access to Justice (Austin 2010)

Conference: SRLN Conference on Public Libraries and Access to Justice (Austin 2010)

The following are materials from a Conference held in January 2010 on Public Libraries and Access to Justice by the Self‐Represented Litigation Network of the National Center for State Courts. The full set of conference materials can also be accessed on W ...

News: 2015 TIG Grants Included Five Court Partnership Grants – 2016 Should Bring More As We Build a 100% Access Technology Infrastructure (LSC 2016)

News: 2015 TIG Grants Included Five Court Partnership Grants – 2016 Should Bring More As We Build a 100% Access Technology Infrastructure (LSC 2016)

LSC's 2015 TIG grants included five grants to projects being undertaken by legal aid and court partnerships, according to the  Request for Letters of Intent to Apply for 2016 Grant Funding  we should see significantly more partnership awards in 2016. ...

Weblinks: Language Access Bench Cards (Multiple States 2015)

Weblinks: Language Access Bench Cards (Multiple States 2015)

As courts develop language access policies, many are developing bench card to standardize bench officer protocols. Examples of a few follow: Minnesota Bench Card for Courtroom Interpreting Minnesota Bench Card for Video Remote Interpreting in the Courtroo ...

News: Orange County, CA and the State of Texas Conduct User Experience Research and Learn that SRLs in Civil Cases Can E-File (Texas & California 2016)

News: Orange County, CA and the State of Texas Conduct User Experience Research and Learn that SRLs in Civil Cases Can E-File (Texas & California 2016)

What are we learning about self-represented litigants who e-file? Who are they? Where are they? What cases do they file? How do the tools work for them? Using identical survey instruments, the Superior Court in Orange County and the Texas Office of Court ...

Resource: Referrals to unbundled attorneys (SRLN 2020)

Resource: Referrals to unbundled attorneys (SRLN 2020)

Please see below the list of resources and materials related to how courts manage or inform the public about referrals to unbundled attorneys.   Illinois Chicago Bar Foundation Justice Entrepreneurs Project ( (JEP) is a small busi ...

Conference: American Bar Association Mid-Year Meeting (Austin 2020)

Conference: American Bar Association Mid-Year Meeting (Austin 2020)

The 2020 ABA midyear conference will occur in Austin, Texas. For more information see the ABA Conference webpage. Wednesday, February 12, 2020- 8:00am to Tuesday, February 18, 2020- 5:00pm Add to Calendar iCalendar Outlook Google Yahoo Texas United States ...

Conference: SRLN Equal Justice Conference Pre-Conference (Austin 2015)

Conference: SRLN Equal Justice Conference Pre-Conference (Austin 2015)

Austin, TX SRLN Preconference Materials (May 6) SRLN-Sponsored EJC Conference Materials (May 7-8)   To download presentation materials for each session, please use the corresponding links. (link will open downloadable file from Google Docs)   SRLN Pre-Con ...