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Results 1 - 10 of 24 for 2014

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Massachusetts Trial Court Language Access Plan (2014)

Published by Chief Justice of the Trial Court Paula M. Carey, Court Administrator Harry Spence and in cooperation with the Language Access Advisory Committee, the purpose of Massachusetts Trial Court Language Access Plan (2014) available here, is to provi ...

Plan: Nebraska Judicial Branch Language Access Plan (Nebraska 2014)

The Nebraska Supreme Court recognizes that language access to court proceedings, probation services and court-ordered assistance, treatment, etc., may have a lasting and life-altering impact upon a limited English proficient (LEP) court user and his or he ...

Plan: Hawaii State Judiciary Language Access Plan (Hawaii 2014)

This is the Hawaii State Judiciary Language Access Plan, which can be found at State Language Access Plans Hawaii United States Hawaii Language Access Plan 2013-2014.pdf Hawaii State Judiciary 2014 ...

Report: NCSC Judicial Conduct Reporter (Gray 2014)

This issue of the Judicial Conduct Reporter includes an indepth look at how states are addressing the ethics issues posed by self-represented litigants, including a review of case law and Judicial Code of Ethics 2.2. 2.2 Judges Reports Judicial Ethics Uni ...

Admin: Logo Requirements

Attached documents reviews logo requirements and provides tips for editing logos to comply. admin How To Create Resource Featured Images.pdf Michael Beirnard 2014 ...

Resource: Language Access Planning and Technical Assistance Tool for Courts (DOJ 2014)

This language access planning and technical assistance tool for courts was created by the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, Federal Coordination and Compliance Section (DOJ), to assist courts and court systems as they develop comprehensive lang ...

Report: Law Libraries and Access to Justice. A Special Report of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Access to Justice Special Committee (AALL 2014)

This white paper is the work of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL’s) 2013-2014 Access to Justice Special Committee, chaired by Sara Galligan, and explores how all types of law libraries- including private; state, court and county; and academ ...

Report: Law Libraries and Access to Justice. A Special Report of the American Association of Law Libraries Access to Justice Special Committee (AALL 2014)

This white paper is the work of AALL's 2013-2014 Access to Justice Special Committee, chaired by Sara Galligan, and explores how all types of law libraries- including private; state, court and county; and academic- contribute to the ATJ movement. The ...

Presentation: Current Research on SRLs (SRLN 2014)

Presentation: Current Research on SRLs (SRLN 2014)

Research on Self-Represented Litigants was presented at the NACM 2014 Mid-Year Conference. The Current Research on Self-Represented Litigants slide presentation (opens Google presentation) was delivered by Bonnie Hough (Moderator), Angela Tripp, Michigan, ...

Report: Access to Justice Initiatives in the Trial Court: 2009-2014 (Massachusetts 2014)

This report is a product of the Massachusetts Trial Court's Access to Justice Initiative, whose mission is to guide and coordinate resources within the Trial Court to broaden access to civil justice for all litigants, including self-represented litig ...