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Survey: Washington LawHelp User Survey (WA LawHelp 2015)

This is an example of a survey for online legal services users from Washington LawHelp in Washington State. The Washington LawHelp website provides a link to this survey on every webpage of their site-- the accessibility of the survey link increases user  ...

Resource: W.K. Kellogg Logic Model Development Guide (W.K. Kellogg Foundation 2006)

Nonprofits must demonstrate the effectiveness of their program activities by initiating and completing outcome-oriented evaluation of projects. This guide, found at ...

SRLN18 Conference RFP

SRLN18 Conference RFP

Self-Represented Litigation Network (SRLN)  2 nd Annual Conference 2018 February 22-23, 2018 at the Judicial Council of California Building, San Francisco, California Presented by: Self-Represented Litigation Network in affiliation with the Judicial Counc ...

Resolution: Supporting Recognition of Chief Judge Eric T. Washington, DC Court of Appeals (2017)

Resolution: Supporting Recognition of Chief Judge Eric T. Washington, DC Court of Appeals (2017)

Self-Represented Litigation Network Resolution 1-2017   Supporting Recognition of Chief Judge Eric T. Washington, District of Columbia Court of Appeals WHEREAS, Chief Judge Eric T. Washington has served as vice-chair or chair of the Access, Fairness and P ...

Report: Call to Action: Achieving Civil Justice for All (Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) Civil Justice Improvements Committee 2016)

The Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) Civil Justice Improvements Committee's report, Call to Action: Achieving Civil Justice for All, developed with the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) and Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal ...

Jacquelyn Tucker

Jacquelyn Tucker

If you have participated in any of our Working Group calls or Webinars, you have met Jacquelyn Tucker. Jacquelyn joined SRLN in April 2019 as our Member Engagement Specialist. She is involved in all aspects of membership management, onboarding new members ...

Suzanne Wade

Suzanne Wade

Suzanne Wade has been part of the SRLN Geographic Information Systems (GIS) team since July 2017.  She is a GIS Specialist whose interest in mapping began with her job as a Helicopter Instructor Pilot for the US Army. After serving in the military, she ob ...

Report: White House LAIR: Civil Legal Aid Research Workshop Report (DOJ 2016)

From the Executive Summary: On May 20 – 21, 2015, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office for Access to Justice (ATJ) and National Institute of Justice (NIJ), in collaboration with the National Science Foundation (NSF), hosted a Civil Legal Aid Research W ...

Presentation: Know Your Users - The Importance of User Experience in Court Planning and Operations (Court Technology Conference 2017)

Presentation: Know Your Users- The Importance of User Experience in Court Planning and Operations (Court Technology Conference 2017)

The Illinois Supreme Court and SRLN created a mapping application to assess the court user's experience in Illinois. “User experience and thinking about our users helps increase efficiencies, helps us know what we don't know, and helps us better ...

Study: Self-Represented Litigants in Family Law Cases In Jackson County, Missouri (Cook 2007)

This study is unique because it included the self-represented in its survey. From the Abstract: This report is based on surveys that examined the attitudes and perceptions of judges, the family law bar, family court staff, and self-represented litigants r ...