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Results 41 - 50 of 504 for United States

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Tool: Test Your Court’s Self-Representation Quotient! (Hough & James 2006)

An 18-question quiz/checklist to determine how well a court is doing in providing services to self-represented litigants. Web links to various helpful resources are also provided. Starting a Self-Help Center United States SRL Court Score card.doc Bonnie R ...

Tool: Tour Guide to Assess Courthouse for SRLs (SRLN 2008)

Tool: Tour Guide to Assess Courthouse for SRLs (SRLN 2008)

This Tour Guide is provided to allow either court employees or outside observers to look at a courthouse and court processes from the point of view of a self-represented litigant. The Tour Guide can be used by judges or court staff, by volunteers, or by o ...

Paper: Courts Need to Provide Access to Justice in Rural America (COSCA 2018)

In a detailed policy paper entitled, Courts Need to Provide Access to Justice in Rural America, and published in 2018 by the Conference of State Court Administrators, readers will find a thoughtful analysis of how rural courts can expand access and suppor ...

Conference: 2017 NACM Annual Conference (Washington, DC 2017)

Conference: 2017 NACM Annual Conference (Washington, DC 2017)

The 2017 NACM Annual Conference, presented in partnership with the International Association for Court Management (IACA), will be held July 9-13, 2017, in Washington, DC. For more information, please see the NACM event page: ...

Presentation: ...And Access to Justice for All: The Potential of Community Connection, Volunteerism and Technology (Zorza 2004)

Presentation:...And Access to Justice for All: The Potential of Community Connection, Volunteerism and Technology (Zorza 2004)

Richard Zorza's presentation "…And Access to Justice for All- The Potential of Community Connection, Volunteerism and Technology," given to the National Conference on Community Based Access to Justice Volunteers, Partnerships and Technology ...

New GuideClearly Plug-In Streamlines Triage and Increases Access on Self-Help Desktop and Mobile Websites (News 2016)

New GuideClearly Plug-In Streamlines Triage and Increases Access on Self-Help Desktop and Mobile Websites (News 2016)

Meet GuideClearly, the newest Open Advocate plug-in designed by LSC partner Urban Insight aimed at guiding website visitors directly to the content and information they seek. Its design and usability are particularly applicable to self-help centers, law l ...

Report: Public Libraries and Access to Justice (SRLN 2010)

Report: Public Libraries and Access to Justice (SRLN 2010)

These are the materials from a conference held in January 2010 on Public Libraries and Access to Justice. The full set of conference materials can be accessed here. best practices Public Libraries United States Jan 2010 Austin Conf.pdf Self-Represented Li ...

Presentation: GIS for Justice Workshop with Tip Sheet for GIS Analysis (NLADA 2017)

Presentation: GIS for Justice Workshop with Tip Sheet for GIS Analysis (NLADA 2017)

" GIS for Justice: Using a Tools from Outside the Lawyer's Toolbox " As we work collectively to fulfill the promise of justice for all and transform disadvantaged and disenfranchised communities, maps and visual data can be critical to our ...

Paper: How Fair, Fast, and Cheap Should Courts Be? (Greacen 1999)

Making the court system fairer, faster, and cheaper are at the top of most agendas for restoring public trust and confidence in the legal system. But how much fairer, faster, and cheaper do the courts need to be to meet the public's needs? So long as ...

Report: Model Self-Help Pilot Program A Report To The Legislature (California 2005)

Report: Model Self-Help Pilot Program A Report To The Legislature (California 2005)

Executive Summary The Model Self-Help Center Pilot Program is one part of the California Judicial Council’s effort to address two key goals in its strategic plan: increasing access to justice and improving the quality of justice and service to the public. ...