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Article: Cross-Pollinating Perspectives on SRLs Toward a Dialogue for Innovation in the Courts and the Administrative System (Zorza 2009)

Article: Cross-Pollinating Perspectives on SRLs Toward a Dialogue for Innovation in the Courts and the Administrative System (Zorza 2009)

Self-Represented Litigants and the Access to Justice Revolution in the State Courts: Cross-Pollinating Perspectives Toward a Dialogue for Innovation in the Courts and the Administrative System.   Recommended Citation: Richard Zorza, Self-Represented Litig ...

Article: Ensuring Access to Justice in Tough Economic Times (Broccolina & Zorza 2008)

Article: Ensuring Access to Justice in Tough Economic Times (Broccolina & Zorza 2008)

This article outlines seven suggestions for the courts which require relatively small or easily found upfront investment and minor ongoing expenditures. This article first appeared in the November-December 2008 (Volume 92, Number 3) of JUDICATURE, the Jou ...

Article: Insuring Civil Justice for All: Meeting the Challenges of Poverty (Fisher 2015)

Article: Insuring Civil Justice for All: Meeting the Challenges of Poverty (Fisher 2015)

There are 45.3 million persons living in poverty in the United States. 2 Poverty creates numerous challenges for individuals. Lack of affordable and livable housing, adequate healthcare, and sufficient food, and the inability to access and complete a qual ...

Article: The Case for Court-Based Document Assembly Programs: A review of the New York State Court System’s "DIY" Forms (Klempner 2014)

Article: The Case for Court-Based Document Assembly Programs: A review of the New York State Court System’s "DIY" Forms (Klempner 2014)

In this article, Rochelle Klempner, Chief Counsel, New York State Courts Access to Justice Program, explores how document assembly systems can serve as a critical tool for access to justice for the self-represented litigant. Part I provides an overview of ...

Article: Judicial Techniques for Cases Involving Self-Represented Litigants (Albrecht, Greacen, Hough and Zorza 2003)

Article: Judicial Techniques for Cases Involving Self-Represented Litigants (Albrecht, Greacen, Hough and Zorza 2003)

This is one of the first article published to stimulate a national dialogue about how judges can best structure and manage their courtrooms to accommodate the needs of self-represented litigants. It remains one of the most accessible introductions to the ...

Article: Celebrating the “Null” Finding: Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Access to Legal Services (Charn 2013)

Article: Celebrating the “Null” Finding: Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Access to Legal Services (Charn 2013)

In this artilcle, Jeanne Charn discusses empirical studies that tested whether litigants with access to lawyers fared better than litigants with access only to advice or limited assistance. Two of the three studies produced null findings—the litigants wit ...

Article: Protecting the Profession or the Public? Rethinking Unauthorized-Practice Enforcement (Rhode & Ricca 2014)

Article: Protecting the Profession or the Public? Rethinking Unauthorized-Practice Enforcement (Rhode & Ricca 2014)

  Recommended Citation: Deborah L. Rhode & Lucy Buford Ricca,  Protecting the Profession or the Public? Rethinking Unauthorized-Practice Enforcement, 82 Fordham Law Review 2587 (2014) (part of "Colloquium- The Legal Profession's Monopoly on ...

Article: New Roles for Non-Lawyers to Increase Access to Justice (Zorza & Udell 2014)

Article: New Roles for Non-Lawyers to Increase Access to Justice (Zorza & Udell 2014)

  Recommended Citation: Zorza, Richard & David Udell, New Roles for Non-Lawyers to Increase Access to Justice, 41 Fordham Urb. L.J. at 1260 (2014), available at LLLT non-lawyer regulatory reform Allied Professiona ...

Article: It’s Not Triage if the Patient Bleeds Out (Pollock & Greco 2012)

Article: It’s Not Triage if the Patient Bleeds Out (Pollock & Greco 2012)

Recommended citation: John Pollock & Michael S. Greco, Response, It’s Not Triage if the Patient Bleeds Out, 161 U. PA. L. REV. PENNUMBRA 40 (2012),   ...

Article: Triage - A Vital Tool to Increase Access to Justice (Boyle 2013)

Article: Triage- A Vital Tool to Increase Access to Justice (Boyle 2013)

In this article in Slaw, Canada's on-line legal magazine, Kari Boyle reviews some of the triage activity in Canadian Civil Justice Reform.  About the author: Kari D. Boyle is the Executive Director of the Vancouver-based Mediate BC Society, which off ...