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Results 1 - 10 of 26 for Maryland

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Report: An Executive Program Assessment For State Court Projects to Assist Self-Represented Litigants (Maryland 2005)

This January 7, 2005 final report was submitted to the State Justice Institute on behalf of the Trial Court Research and Improvement Conorium by the Maryland Administrative Office of the Courts. This report covers: process results, substantive results, va ...

Maryland Centralizes District and Circuit Court Self-Help While Expanding Phone and Mobile Support (News 2016)

Maryland Centralizes District and Circuit Court Self-Help While Expanding Phone and Mobile Support (News 2016)

After unifying its statewide self-help support services into a single call line and support center, the Maryland court system’s new Maryland Self-Help Center expects to at least double the number of litigants it has previously helped while also expanding ...

Resource: Sample Materials - Intake Forms and Data Sheets

Resource: Sample Materials- Intake Forms and Data Sheets

Here is a compilation of examples of intake forms and data sheets garnered from some of the programs studied and described in the nonlawyer navigator report. Please note, these documents are only samples provided by program leaders, some of which may not ...

Resource: Maryland - Court Navigator Project (University of Baltimore) - Year 1 Evaluation (2018)

Resource: Maryland- Court Navigator Project (University of Baltimore)- Year 1 Evaluation (2018)

This is a one year evaluation of the Court Navigator Project at the University of Baltimore in 2018.  The full evaluation is attached.  Evaluations/Progress Reports Maryland United States Maryland- Court Navigator Project (University of Baltimore)- Year 1 ...

Conference: ALL ACCESS: Access to Justice Conference (LLAM 2014)

The Law Library Association of Maryland (LLAM) hosted a day-long Access to Justice Conference focused on librarian involvement in Access to justice.  Program Highlights: The Role of Public Libraries in Access to Justice Best Practices for Working with Sel ...

Report: My Laws, My Courts, My Maryland Promoting Equal Justice for All (Maryland 2013)

My Laws, My Courts, My Maryland Promoting Equal Justice for All (opens as PDF), published by the Maryland Access to Justice Commission (website) is styled as media kit and provides detailed information about the Maryland approach to access to justice for ...

Guide: Family Court ADR Program Best Practices (Maryland Courts 2004)

This document was developed by Maryland Circuit Court Family Division and Family Services Program family support services coordinators, administrators, and ADR professionals along with members of Maryland’s Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office (MACRO) ...

Webinar: Best Practices for Family Law Self-Help Programs (SRLN 2005)

Webinar: Best Practices for Family Law Self-Help Programs (SRLN 2005)

Pamela Ortiz, the Executive Director of the Department of Family Administration at the Maryland Administrative Office of the Courts presented on best practices for self-help centers. She discussed the range of issues covered in their family self-help cent ...

Reports: Statewide Evaluation of Court ADR (Maryland 2013)

Reports: Statewide Evaluation of Court ADR (Maryland 2013)

The Maryland Judiciary commissioned independent researchers to conduct the following studies as part of its long-term commitment to build alternative dispute resolution (ADR) programs in Maryland and to provide the highest quality ADR services to Maryland ...

Report: Evaluation of Glen Burnie District Court Self-Help Center (Maryland 2012)

Report: Evaluation of Glen Burnie District Court Self-Help Center (Maryland 2012)

This is a comprehensive evaluation of the Glen Burnie District Court Self-Help Center that helped lay the groundwork for Maryland now completely statewide and all court levels centralized self-help, see more at From the intr ...