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Resource: Alaska’s Justice Ecosystem: Building a Partnership of Providers (SRLN 2017)
Created by the Self-Represented Litigation Network for the Alaska Court System, this Story Map describes Alaska’s civil justice ecosystem and the common civil legal issues that many Alaskans face. It recognizes that legal issues rarely occur in isolation. Often they coexist with medical and mental health challenges, substance abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, and poverty. If we are to provide Alaskans with 100% access to justice, we need to continue to build partnerships between legal providers, social service providers, medical service providers and information service providers. All are part of the justice ecosystem that can provide Alaskans the information and services they need.
View our story map to see Alaska's justice ecosystem as a partnership of providers. This ecosystem ensures that no matter which door a client, patient or customer enters, they can connect to the right resources for their unique situation. An ecosystem of integrated services connects people to the resources they need, and opens the door to ensuring access to justice for all Alaskans.
To view the Story Map: https://arcg.is/1Dqq8n
To view the Alaska GIS Justice Assets Map: https://srln.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=f3f2db2bd0ce4e029bac513743b03ced
To learn more about the Justice for All project in Alaska: http://courts.alaska.gov/jfa/