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Session: Limited Scope Services: A Core Part of 100% Access (LSC ITCon2019)
The following session was held at the Legal Services Corporation's Innovations in Technology Conference 2019, New Orleans, Louisiana. For more information, including access to previous conference materials, visit the LSC's Innovations in Technology Conference page.
Visit LSC's Vimeo channel to view the Limited Scope Services: A Core Part of 100% Access Panel session recording. Attached below are copies of the materials and presentation used for the session.
Session Description
Any true 100% access solution will depend on limited scope representation being a core part of the system, and we know from studies that pro se litigants want those options. The technology needed to connect lawyers offering limited scope services with legal consumers who want it is available. So why aren’t more legal consumers finding limited scope attorneys online? Let's chat about it. Are you currently grappling with how to integrate limited scope services into an existing portal, lawyer referral or triage system? Are you looking to build a new system from the ground up? Or do you have a success story to share? If yes, please consider joining us for this discussion!
This panel will start out by exploring current efforts to expand the delivery of unbundled services through integration with portals and platforms in at least three jurisdictions and some challenges and roadblocks they and other jurisdictions have faced along the way. Participants will then be asked to pair up or form small groups (by state if possible) and discuss how they can potentially connect attorneys offering limited scope services with legal consumers who want them in their communities. Groups will be asked to report back on their discussions. The goal of this workshop is for participants to leave with a roadmap for integrating limited scope services into new or existing platforms within their respective cities or states.
Date: January 10, 2019 at 1:45 pm (local)
- Katherine Alteneder, Executive Director, Self-Represented Litigation Network (SRLN)
- Dave Aarons, Founder & CEO of Unbundled Attorney
- Jessica Bednarz, Director of Innovation & Training, Chicago Bar Foundation
- Marquita Green, Family Law Low Bono Director, Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc.
Program Format
- Introduction and audience poll
- Speaker introductions
- Discussion topics included
- Efforts to expand the delivery of unbundled services
- Pros and cons of each model–statewide portal, bar association referral, legal aid portal, and standalone for-profit platform
- Challenges and roadblocks
- Goals and future
- Audience Engagement - workshop model
- What model(s) might work best in your city or state and why?
- Who might your key partners be?
- What potential challenges or roadblocks might you face?
- Panelists and others in the room suggest potential solutions/work-arounds
- Report back
- Attendees develop a Roadmap for Integration
Critical questions
- What is the organizing entity - Private bar, local bars, other? Is there a self-help center that can distribute a list? What quality control measures are in place? Initial training; ongoing training?
- For your specific project – brief description of project
- How did you identify the partner organization(s) involved and did you have trouble getting anyone to buy in?
- Can any lawyer offering unbundled services be involved? Are lawyers screened/trained in any way?
- Do you have an intake or triage protocol /questions are you asking to determine whether limited scope might be a good option for a legal consumer?
- Advertising and promotion - what language do you use to describe unbundled services?
- What is your capacity?
- Do you collect data? How do you measure success?
- What is your vision for technology to get your program to the next level / what problems are you trying to solve with technology?