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Report: Can Translation Software Help Legal Services Agencies Deliver Legal Information More Effectively in Foreign Languages and Plain English? (Hineline & Hogue 2013)
This report investigates the current and possible uses of translation tools, including fully-automated machine translation and a somewhat different translation technology, translation memory. Translation memory re-uses whole phrases that an expert has previously translated. We investigate the use of machine translation, translation memory management software, and other computer-assisted translation tools for legal information in the justice community context. We also raise the apparently new question of whether translation memory libraries can be used to suggest standard replacements for legal jargon and help legal services providers produce plain language documents in plain English.
Recommended Citation: Anna Hineline and Jeff Hogue, Can Translation Software Help Legal Services Agencies Deliver Legal Information More Effectively in Foreign Languages and Plain English? An Evaluation of Existing Translation Technology and Recommendations for Future Use for Law Assistance of Western New York, Law Assistance of Western New York & LSC (2013). Available at https://sites.google.com/a/lawny.org/plain-language-library/home/transla....