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Article: A Restorative Adjudication Process Shows Promise (Teryl 2015)
In 2012, the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission initiated a project to integrate restorative justice principles into an administrative agency. Early research showed that when restorative justice principles guided the agency's changes, access to justice increased dramatically through significant cost savings and time efficiencies.
Investigation time was reduced 83% (from three years to six months) and hearings were also reduced by more than 80% (from five days to one day). The average cost for two traditional hearings (adjudicator, court clerk and hearing space) with an average of six witnesses was $52,000 and lasted on average 10 days. The averages for the two restorative hearings were: five witnesses, hearing costs of $7,300 and the hearing lasted three quarters of one day. By incorporating restorative principle, resolutions became collaborative, more meaningful and, as one adjudicator wrote, "as efficient and as cost effective as possible."
Recommended citation: Lisa Teryl, A Restorative Adjudication Process Shows Promise, SR Vol 32 No 2 (Fall 2015).